Girls Inc.

TV – “Dear World”

I pretty much live by the motto “chicks rule.” So, you can imagine my excitement when I was given the opportunity to help create a PSA for Girls Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to helping young girls prepare for life beyond high school. All of the beautiful young ladies in the spot are Girls Inc. girls from around the country – most of whom had never flown on a plane before, much less been on a shoot in Hollywood. The script is bits and pieces of actual letters the girls wrote the world, proving chicks really do rule after all.

Posters – “Operation SMART”

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Operation SMART is a division within Girls Inc. that encourages girls to excel in science and math. Working on these posters, which appeared in universities and offices around the country, made me want to call Ms. Clarke and apologize for not paying better attention in her 8th grade biology class. Of course, then I’d also need to apologize for throwing a burning peanut into her wastebasket, and that is a crime I’m still not ready to face.